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Vydáno dne 25. 10. 2006 (8058 přečtení)

Členská sdružení IARU Reg.1 obdržela následující e-mail:

I have been listening to the recent behaviour during the recent ZL8R and the current XF4 operations and it prompts me to ask Member Societies to publicise the attached document either in the Society magazine, the Society website, or even both. The document is part of the HF Managers Handbook but is also part of Amateur Radio past and present.
Please help spread the word.

Colin, G3PSM
IARU Region 1 HF Committee Chairman


The radio amateur is:

never knowingly uses the air in a manner such as to lessen the enjoyment of others.

LOYAL .......
offers loyalty, encouragement and support to fellow amateurs, local club and national society through which amateur radio is represented to government, the International Amateur Radio Union and the International Telecommunication Union.

with knowledge abreast of science, a well built and efficient station and operation above reproach.

slow and patient sending when requested; friendly advice and counsel to the beginner; kindly assistance, co operation and consideration for the interests of others. These are the hallmarks of the amateur spirit.

BALANCED .......
radio is a hobby never interfering with duties owed to home, job, school or community.

station and skill always ready for service to community and country.

(Modified from the work of Paul M Segal reproduced in the ARRL Radio Amateur's Handbook)

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